Sunday 18 August 2013


It's been a truly emotional day for me. Why? Well I listened to a touching testimony about a selfless woman who gave up her job, business, her life basically, to help look after her grandchildren after the death of their father.

She became the backbone of the family, an anchor for stability and brought them up in the knowledge and fear of God. She was a devout Christian and lived a simple and exemplary life. She died recently at a ripe old age surrounded by her children and grandchildren to the fourth generation.

She was not ill a single day, her mental faculties were not diminished, it was just time for her to go the way of all flesh.

The reason I've decided to write about this is, in the past when I've heard about the death of an elderly person especially those 80 and above, I hardly took notice. I reasoned that they had lived a long life anyway and I didn't think those they left behind would be that deeply affected by their loss.

Hearing this story, however, and seeing how devastated her grandson (who was the narrator) was, has left a lasting impression on me.

The woman invested her life in her children and grandchildren, and in the the things of God, and she reaped a bountiful harvest in this life and I'm sure more awaits her in that to come.

Before her death, she praised God that she never had cause to bury any of her descendants, ( four generations, everyone intact), everyone doing well in their various endeavours, and many of them serving the Lord. Blessed with supernatural health, long life and the assurance of salvation. She requested that no one weep at her funeral, but that it should be a celebration.

Pray, what else could anyone ask for? It pays to serve the Lord.

"Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his faithful servants." (Psalm 116:15).

Sleep well mama!

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